Special offers

Get the JUMP DOME block of 10 – the highlight for frequent jumpers!

Do you love jumping in the JUMP DOME or are you looking for a gift that’s actually fun? Then the JUMP DOME block of 10 is just right for you! Get 10 entries but only pay for 8 – an unbeatable offer for everyone who likes to visit us more often.

Get your JUMP DOME block of 10 now and jump more for less!
Whether for yourself or as a gift – the block of 10 offers maximum fun at an unbeatable price.

Listino prezzi

Why should you buy the JUMP DOME block of 10 online?

  • Save with every jump:
    You get 10 entries for the price of 8! This means you save two entire admissions, regardless of whether you book 120, 90 or just 60 minutes of jumping time.
  • Can be redeemed flexibly:
    You can use the entrance tickets at any time – without any stress. Whether during the week, on the weekend or during the holidays, you have complete flexibility!
  • Perfect for frequent jumpers:
    If you enjoy jumping with us regularly, the 10 block is the absolute highlight. Not only do you save money, but you can also organize your jumping time flexibly.
  • Also ideal as a gift:
    The JUMP DOME block of 10 is the perfect gift for friends or family who love action and fun. A gift that is guaranteed to be well received!
  • Buy conveniently online:
    No queuing or waiting – you can easily and conveniently buy the block of 10 online and get started straight away. This not only saves you when jumping, but also saves you time when booking!

Listino prezzi

120 minutes
90 minutes
60 minutes

365 giorni all'anno

Orari di apertura

Festivi: 9:00-20:00

Tutti possono saltare!

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365 giorni di divertimento per tutti

Utilizzare l'ampio parcheggio multipiano della struttura

Wilhelm-Spazier-Straße 1, 5020 Salzburg

  • 180 posti auto coperti
  • Parcheggio comprensivo di autolavaggio
  • Facilmente raggiungibile con i mezzi pubblici
  • A soli 5 minuti dall’uscita autostradale di Wals-Siezenheim
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Richieste di prenotazioni

I vantaggi della prenotazione online

  • Prenotazione del posto all’ora desiderata
  • Prenotando online, non dovrai firmare documenti quando arrivi da JUMP DOME. È tutto online
  • Utilizzo della FAST LANE: entri direttamente, senza code al check-in
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